Saturday 21 March 2015

My Interpretation about Book '' The Sense of an Ending''


                            Here i gave my interpretation about the novel The Sense of an Ending. And all these points which i have described here are based on  my class notes because i didn't read this original  book. At a first moment i feel that this novel is full of philosophy. We an see ans of Adrian and his discussion about History with the teacher.                                  

                           This novel is deals with psychological approach.  we can see the mindset of all characters like Tony , Veronica ,  Adrian, all  these three are like  main characters  and  other  characters    also played good  role  to create twist in the novel .                          

                                     In this novel we can see that whatever we believed about History is fully destroyed by Adrian Finn he told to teacher that history is written by victorious and it is illusion of defeated peoples and then we can come to know that our belief about history is wrong because we believed that  history is true but we don't know what was the truth at that time.
             When we  read the novel we comes to know about the different things like God, Karmic philosophy, lack of faith, lack of love. Blood money is also the important part of the novel. Here we saw the word  Blood money which has deep  meaning and this words have deep meaning like  the money earned by killing the innocent people.  here kills means  not kill psychically but killed someone's emotions and feelings .Veronica sent one mail to Tony in this mail she used one phrase that is blood money. She used this word because, when they fallow in love with each other that time Veronica’s father offered him handsome amount of money. After that there was broke up between them and after this Veronica  fall in love with Adrian Finn who was Tony's friend.At other side Tony got married and his wife Margaret was like his friend although  she known all these things about her husband and so it money which he earned but it was blood money for Veronica because he hurt her lot.

                The novel deal with one code that is like mathematical equation   a2+ V+ a1 x S = b  so it is like confusion to us and we can't understand any thing but when we deeply think about it then we can know that  the real thing is Junior Adrian is the step brother of Veronica and the son of Adrian and Sarah. Sarah is the mother of Veronica. But Tony thinks that the junior Adrian is the son of Veronica and Adrian. J. Adrian is the abnormal child and he think that he gave curse to Veronica and Adrian‘s relationship. So he thinks god will punished them.  But reality is different from the code.    Sarah had the diary but actually  Adrian wrote his diary for Tony. This diary he gave to Sarah because he had affair with her And he admitted in the diary that he was happy in his last days. He gave his diary for Tony because he wrote a letter for Adrian and letter creates lots of mistake. And the diary is the answer of the letter. so he wants that diary.         

                                     when the novel is going to about  middle part we can see that   Adrian  was  happy  in his last few days about what he got in his life  but  he was also suffering from trauma  because he  felt guilty  for  what  he did ?                         And he did that  because their one friend  named Robson also commits suicide because in his school life he made his girlfriend pregnant and because of it Robson was   feels guilty, and because of that guilty  he commits suicide.  when we saw the life of Adrian  who also lives with hidden identity and that is he is the father of J.Adrian and he commits suicide. Veronica suffering in society because of Junior Adrian he was abnormal so to take care she lived alone .               

                                        In this novel Julian Barns has mentioned and described Veronica's life with different struggle because she had sacrificed her own life for her step brother and also she lost her both love like Tony and Adrian both.  

                            We can say that this novel's narrative technique is very different and we can't rely  on this technique it is unreliable because whatever we come to know is form Tony's points of view and he himself doubt on him then how can we trust on the Narrator  because narrator himself doubt on his memory who knows that what was really at that time ? And when we read  or study this novel at that time the question raised in our mind that either this is true ?or it is story which is created by narrator Tony Himself which tells goody goody things for only him?or what had happened then all the Events which are described by the writer is right or only imagination?
    So at the end there are many doubts which can we feel by our mind.

Friday 20 March 2015

My interpretation on Waiting for Godot play

  When we were watch this play i was very confused that 

what these two character are doing and why they do like this

 but i feel that it is a big satire on all human being by Samuel

 bucket we  all like these two characters waiting for some one

 that when something going and going to happen we always 

wait for  incarnation and when all things happened we 

become very sad and we cant do nothing with it because

 always think that for whom we  wait it  never comes in 

shreemad Bhagvat Geeta Lord Krishna tells to Arjuna that 

 you are your own friend and your own enemy like in

 Sanskrit'' uddharen tav Atmanam means no will come to 

help you in your life you have to do with your self can't we 

can  apply it in this play?  and in this play what these two do 

is they always passed their time in waiting for Godot. As

 writer himself tells about this word that what is the means 

      Godot as god? i also confused  with this word.


 The setting of the play is very symbolic and we can see that 

                                                                                                                          there is no one and these both characters are waiting for

 Godot for  whom they never meet and to whom they also

 can's recognized if He will come so it is like very strange in
 both of them life and they not any particular thing to do.

     ' Nothing to be done'   this sentence is often used in play by

 two characters and it is very symbolic way they presents that

 they do nothing.

        Tree is very symbolic in both act as a symbol 

                                                                                 of Christianity we can say and it is very important in both act .

   We can say that night is as a symbol of the despair in both's life and when there is rising of moon that it can be as a ray of hope which they had in their mind and they told to each other like Godot will come tomorrow. so they are swing between hope and despair.

  Nothing to be done means they do nothing and they only waiting for some one to whom they never met to whom they never talk to whom they never saw and this was like strange and it is very  absurdity in their life.

          And nothingness we can see in the hat sweeping scene and they only talk nothing did.

                       There are two props which were used in the play often and it is very symbolic things like Hat is the symbol of mind.

 and boot is the symbol of body.

Friday 13 March 2015

Rewriting Robinson Crusoe from the perspective of Friday

Respected Mam                                                                                                                                         First would like to define the meaning of SUBALTERN IT means marginalized group. Here i present my view about your question.In this novel there is a chapter No.9 where Robinson Crusoe gains a companion who met him on Friday so he call him Friday.Friday was saved by Crusoe so he become servant of Crusoe and Crusoe teach him the word MASTER and he says that Friday saved by me. Friday see how his master do work and then as same he do work as Crusoe did.Friday is very intelligent he do all things quickly.Friday says that he believe to Crusoe as his God because Crusoe also saved his father's life and he says that i lived with Crusoe as his companion and he do his work for his master.Thus in this novel character of Friday is also very important.Friday prove himself as Crusoe's servant when he cut out the head of other enemy within a second.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Thank You.                           

Post-viewing Task on Screening movie 'Hamlet'by Kenneth Branagh

Respected sir,
                                 First of all I would like to tell that screening is more effective than reading. It is easy to understand but language is extent to hard. Now I gave answer of the question.
                                The movie is quite faithful to the original play. There are many similarities between play and movie. Director makes many changes into movie. He make situation for the demand of the script.
                                   My perception about play, character or situation changed because there were many scenes are different than play e.g. the scene of mirror and when Ophelia become mad she had been tortured by other servant of palace .
                               And yes I felt ‘aesthetic delight’ when hamlet talk about his love for his father & his wish of revenge. It was because   Hamlet understands it as his duty.
                            And about the catharsis I want to say that I felt catharsis in Mirror scene when Hamlet tells Ophelia to become a Nun which was very strange  and also when Hamlet behave  crudely with his mother in Gertrude’s Bedchamber scene and also in  an end of the movie very strange  for me .
                             And yes Sir I want to say thank you for screening movie Sir it was really very interesting and help us to understand the play without any trouble.
                           And  in ans of your next question the whole movie that I will cherish for lifetime it was very nice movie.
                           At last in your last question’s ans I says that  If I will remaking of movie I would like to change in love story of Hamlet and Ophelia’s life.
                   Sir it was very nice and faithful to original play by which we can understand play within a few second.
                                                                     Thank you Sir

My thoughts on Sam Pitroda's article about education system

Respected me'm it is really an interesting article about education system by Sam Pitroda.He talked about Mahatma Gandhi it is truth we can change the system of this time but we need to start and thus we can bring Chang by our good try but start from ourselves instead of other. Thank you me'm for this beautiful article which give us inspiration for something do for our future which give us bright future                                                                                                                       Thank you 

My interpretation on the Text ' To The Lighthouse by woolf

                               1) When we talk about Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse we also come to know about her Stream of consciousness technique. In this novel, the structure of the external objective events is diminished in scope and scale or almost completely dissolved .It present of the continual activity of the characters consciousness and shower of impressions. she wanted to say her pain by this Technic as her life was full of struggle and pain she wants to present it in her work and  in this novel she almost present her own pain and we can't tell that as a writer with whom she is at the side of Mrs.Ramsay or Lily Briscoe. And here i wants to quote one thing like ''Women can't write or paint'' it is by Charles Tensely we can see that in this novel we can put this quote when we see the painting of Lily of Mrs.Ramsay and there is no any other Technic by which she can gave the idea  and picture of situation and all this thing to readers so we can say that what she wanted to say  can only be said in the ways she has said.

                                  2)Yes i am agree that the novel is both the tribute and critic of Mrs.Ramsay  because when Lily Briscoe paint the portrait of Mrs.Ramsay she observed  all the work of Mrs.Ramsay and she wants the perfect Mrs.Ramsay in her painting so she do this she portrait her as a good wife, mother  and house hold workers who kept all thing goodly and cleanly and thus this portrait is a tribute to Mrs.Ramsay and by the thinking of Lily’s self to believed  her as a superior then Mrs.Ramsay and Lily thinks that how Mrs.Ramsay was always sacrifice her own happiness for other dear ones and Lily think that i m always free from  all this things and how she can do her work freely in compared of Mrs.Ramsay and so this thinking of Lily is the critic of Mrs.Ramsay.
                         3) I think the Light house means who gave guidance to other  as we see that the light house is standing alone on the rocks sea is around it its for the light. If there is darkness and the sailor forget the roots of the sea and then by the Light house's ray he can get the proper way in the sea and in this novel if we see the Character of Mrs.Ramsay she always try to catch her girl child s who always behave like man and  so Mrs.Ramsay take them on the path which she wants so form my points of view the light house is symbolically stand for Mrs.Ramsay.
                                        4)  In the article by Joseph L. Blotner  There are two myths like 1)'PAGAN MYTH ,2) THE MYTH OF OEDIPUS THE REX by the myths of Pagan writer crystallized the character of Mrs.Ramsay ,whose attribute s are those of the major female figures in 'pagan myth' and by this myth this myth she compared these three female figure like Mother (RHEA),wife like (DEMETER),and daughter (PERSEPHONE) which is the major source of the myth is the Homeric ''Hymn to Demeter '' in which the poet compares Rhea with her daughter Demeter and  makes it clear that Demeter and her daughter Persephone  ''are to be thought of as a double figure,one half of which is the ideal  complement of the other .''This double figure is that of the Kore,the primordial maiden, who is also a mother.Also useful in interpreting the novel is the Oedipus myths. and the light house is the standing alone in the rocks and  it represent the situation of Mrs.Ramsay and how she is behave when she around ed by all other people she always try to gave other good advise like light house do and by the symbol of WINDOW  we can  say that window means things like air and other talks came in the house by window means Mrs.Ramsay is like window who always try to comfort to all the things it is from my points of view or i think when there is night and she have used to check all the doors and speak like ''close the door and open the window.
                                                5) Kunstle roman means the novel of artist and in this novel Virginia Woolf presented the Character Like Lily Briscoe who is almost like her own sister and who struggle for her arts and the society tells like Women can’t write or paint and the character of The Lily itself is the challenge the society and At last Lily get her vision and so we can say that it is a 'kunstleroman' .
                                      7) I agree with the power of the words is more effective then movie because when we read the book the picture is fully come in front of our eye and we feel like we ourselves feels the happiness and sorrowful things  happen with us and movie has its limitation and how can the full novel can be described in only 3 hours and with a great charm and every director has not this power that he can gave the justice to the novel in movie so its my points of view. As we seen it in the book ''SAMSKAR''  where the plucking  of flowers by the PRANESHACHARYA  described differently so......
                                               8) The last line is speak by the character of Lily Briscoe who always wants that i can bring Perfect Mrs.Ramsay in my Portrait so when she doing paint she always wants that all the expression of Ramsay she can clearly present in her painting and Mrs.Ramsay was always in her mind and she thinks that Mrs.Ramsay always wants that her son can visit to the light house and James begun love to his father and in the end of the movie James can visit the light house which was his child dream and he wants to do this and also at the end the wall of the hattering is broken down and the relations of child and father’s are in progress so i think at that time Mrs.Ramsay will be happy wherever she is so in the eye of the lily it is the   perfect Mrs Ramsay   which she wants to bring in her painting and may be she wants to live a free life and she got .....
                                                so these all things are from my points of view.

My Personal View On The movie compare to text Birthday Party By Harold Pinter

                         Menace means present a horror things with comical elements. And for me this was very horror movie and the sound was also appropriately used which also gave a horror effect ex. the sound of drum which was beating by Stanley and other was also very effectively at some extent this movie was like boring that we cant also thinks that why this all things are happened and what is the reason behind it. 
                     And when we read this text the effect is not affect on us properly because in movie it helps the  horror situation of the movie to become like it and we also feels fear although all this thing happened with protagonist.                                           
                 And obviously it is very horror movie and some time we feel sympathy with protagonist and we also feel terrible with the protagonist. And according to my view news paper is using for like hiding self from other person and  it looks like petey hide himself from his wife because he cant fulfill his wife's wish and so he feels like shame at some extent.

                                  And if we read the text we can't feel exactly that what has happened with Stanley because it is only writing but if we watched this movie then by the horror sound and the scene we can feel that at which level Stanley goes under the torture of two fellew so the movie is gave good effect than text because text we only can read but in movie we can get clear idea of torturing and the situation of the Stanley and we feel like something wrong happened with him. 
                                   If we were reading then we can imagine of the situation in limit we can't go beyond of our imagination because some time we afraid of it so we can't do it . 
                                 so according to me movie is very effective and it presents all things very well in proper way which can do only some director in their work.  it probably wasn't possible to make a satisfactory movie of the Birthday party. and i can't say anythings about the changing in movie because i think it is properly presented by Pinter him self.  and i don't like any characters of this movie because every one do somethings which i don't like so. 

My views on the Novel One Night @ Call Center

                           Here i am give my view about this novel and this points of view are based on the classroom discussion and movie Hello and i wants to tell that i m agree that Chetan Bhagat has great sense and he presents burning issues in his all books like and when we have read these book he out us in situation of thinking like that these all stories of  his books are the stories of our life and his protagonists are the young peoples and their real problems and we have to think about it that Why this happen with us when we read his books.
                       I am agree that this novel One Night @ Call Center is have some elements of the cyber punk because in the end of novel there is one scene where Shyam and Varun are blackmailed their Boss Bakshi by the use of technology like they  mail to Esha  from the email id of Bakshi.Mr. Bakshi who always believed in  Bossism and he miss use the talent of Shyam and Varun who are very talented in web designing and all  Six characters are deal with technology in whole novel.
                       Second is that can be this book as self help book then i m agree with it that yes this book can be self help book because when there is scene of Call of God then we can see that how god gave understanding of many things and about success and also about failure   that how we have to tackle with problems and how we have to understand failure as a great chance and in the very beginning of book Bhagat told us to not down the three things like fear anger ...
                             Third is Can be this book we fit in the box of menippean satire because in the novel there are many scene where we can see the satire on the human being.
            Forth is that this book is like pulp fiction and popular literature and it is very likable novel which readers wants to read as Tharoor told in article.
            Fifth is that can we see the effect of Globalization in the book then i can say yes we can see the effect of globalization in the book like Fred man's World is flat and here in the work of Call center we can see this elements.
         So i am agree with that Bhagat is very intellectual writer who knows very well that what people wants to read.   

My Interpretation on Da Vinci Code Movie

        Respected sir, 

           Here is my interpretation about the movie because I did not read original novel.
      It is right at some extent that his works are not anti religion because when we watched this movie we can see that it is fully fiction not true things which were presented in movie things like Christ's marriage things and about Marry and the priory of Sion etc.. but who knows what is reality and what is true? i wants to say that i cant say that i not  fully agree with him or disagree with him because i don't know what are the real things about religion and who can say that whatever we heard or see that are the real things about religion because these all things are also told about our religion books, religion people etc..and some things we heard  these things from childhood and when  from childhood we heard about all these things which are true or wrong we also don't know because we never habituated about questioning because our mind is conditioned from our child hood so we cant accept true thing easily which can we see.
    And when we seen this movie for some times we also become aggressive at some extent that is this or true or that is true which we heard from our childhood? although directer cover all the things that if we cant read book we can get core idea about the book and also the material is like true things.
     Now when we study Genesis and Paradise lost By Milton we thinks some time that  yes whatever Milton write and present in his book is true because in our Hindu religion  we also heard like this world is created by God and all these things like he creates all these things for six day and at 7th day he get rest and this day is known as Sunday etc. so it can be convincing at some extent but when we saw this movie or read this book we cant accept that Christ was married and about Marry...etc..
       About the female characters like Ophelia,Sophie etc.. we can see that this directer present Sophie more powerful and who take care of all these things etc.. we cant make some work like this movie because we can take some examples like our recent movie PK and also we can take examples of Wendy Donniger's    Book The Hindu which is banned by our religion.
    so these all  my interpretation are based on Movie