1) When we talk about Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse we also come to know about her Stream of consciousness technique. In this novel, the structure of the external objective events is diminished in scope and scale or almost completely dissolved .It present of the continual activity of the characters consciousness and shower of impressions. she wanted to say her pain by this Technic as her life was full of struggle and pain she wants to present it in her work and in this novel she almost present her own pain and we can't tell that as a writer with whom she is at the side of Mrs.Ramsay or Lily Briscoe. And here i wants to quote one thing like ''Women can't write or paint'' it is by Charles Tensely we can see that in this novel we can put this quote when we see the painting of Lily of Mrs.Ramsay and there is no any other Technic by which she can gave the idea and picture of situation and all this thing to readers so we can say that what she wanted to say can only be said in the ways she has said.
2)Yes i am agree that the novel is both the tribute and critic of Mrs.Ramsay because when Lily Briscoe paint the portrait of Mrs.Ramsay she observed all the work of Mrs.Ramsay and she wants the perfect Mrs.Ramsay in her painting so she do this she portrait her as a good wife, mother and house hold workers who kept all thing goodly and cleanly and thus this portrait is a tribute to Mrs.Ramsay and by the thinking of Lily’s self to believed her as a superior then Mrs.Ramsay and Lily thinks that how Mrs.Ramsay was always sacrifice her own happiness for other dear ones and Lily think that i m always free from all this things and how she can do her work freely in compared of Mrs.Ramsay and so this thinking of Lily is the critic of Mrs.Ramsay.
3) I think the Light house means who gave guidance to other as we see that the light house is standing alone on the rocks sea is around it its for the light. If there is darkness and the sailor forget the roots of the sea and then by the Light house's ray he can get the proper way in the sea and in this novel if we see the Character of Mrs.Ramsay she always try to catch her girl child s who always behave like man and so Mrs.Ramsay take them on the path which she wants so form my points of view the light house is symbolically stand for Mrs.Ramsay.
4) In the article by Joseph L. Blotner There are two myths like 1)'PAGAN MYTH ,2) THE MYTH OF OEDIPUS THE REX by the myths of Pagan writer crystallized the character of Mrs.Ramsay ,whose attribute s are those of the major female figures in 'pagan myth' and by this myth this myth she compared these three female figure like Mother (RHEA),wife like (DEMETER),and daughter (PERSEPHONE) which is the major source of the myth is the Homeric ''Hymn to Demeter '' in which the poet compares Rhea with her daughter Demeter and makes it clear that Demeter and her daughter Persephone ''are to be thought of as a double figure,one half of which is the ideal complement of the other .''This double figure is that of the Kore,the primordial maiden, who is also a mother.Also useful in interpreting the novel is the Oedipus myths. and the light house is the standing alone in the rocks and it represent the situation of Mrs.Ramsay and how she is behave when she around ed by all other people she always try to gave other good advise like light house do and by the symbol of WINDOW we can say that window means things like air and other talks came in the house by window means Mrs.Ramsay is like window who always try to comfort to all the things it is from my points of view or i think when there is night and she have used to check all the doors and speak like ''close the door and open the window.
5) Kunstle roman means the novel of artist and in this novel Virginia Woolf presented the Character Like Lily Briscoe who is almost like her own sister and who struggle for her arts and the society tells like Women can’t write or paint and the character of The Lily itself is the challenge the society and At last Lily get her vision and so we can say that it is a 'kunstleroman' .
7) I agree with the power of the words is more effective then movie because when we read the book the picture is fully come in front of our eye and we feel like we ourselves feels the happiness and sorrowful things happen with us and movie has its limitation and how can the full novel can be described in only 3 hours and with a great charm and every director has not this power that he can gave the justice to the novel in movie so its my points of view. As we seen it in the book ''SAMSKAR'' where the plucking of flowers by the PRANESHACHARYA described differently so......
8) The last line is speak by the character of Lily Briscoe who always wants that i can bring Perfect Mrs.Ramsay in my Portrait so when she doing paint she always wants that all the expression of Ramsay she can clearly present in her painting and Mrs.Ramsay was always in her mind and she thinks that Mrs.Ramsay always wants that her son can visit to the light house and James begun love to his father and in the end of the movie James can visit the light house which was his child dream and he wants to do this and also at the end the wall of the hattering is broken down and the relations of child and father’s are in progress so i think at that time Mrs.Ramsay will be happy wherever she is so in the eye of the lily it is the perfect Mrs Ramsay which she wants to bring in her painting and may be she wants to live a free life and she got .....
so these all things are from my points of view.
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